Toyo Pistol Grip Supercutter (shipping included)


Toyo Pistol Grip Supercutter


This is the tool usually sold to beginners because the handle is ergonomic and easy to grip, putting your cutting wheel at the exact right angle for scoring. If you have weakness, tremors, arthritis or other hand issues, this is often the very best tool for you.

That said, I have less control over complex shapes using this tool. There’s something about the position of the blade relative to my hand that doesn’t give me the level of precision I get with other tools. For many, this one is frustrating because the shaft is too large to create an effective vacuum for the oil, so it gets all over everything. (If you have this issue, dip your blade into oil rather than keeping it in the shaft.) One more problem I see in my classes is that many students press way too hard on their score with this tool. If you notice a light, chalky line on the surface of your score, and if there’s a bit of a “crunchy” sound, that’s too much pressure!

I use the pistol grip for cutting down my sheets and for easy scoring because it is very easy on my hand and wrist. Below is the official description from Toyo:

The original TOYO self oiling Pistol Grip pattern cutter with TAP Wheel technology. This is the most popular tool for cutting art glass since its introduction in 1980. The Pistol Grip Supercutter is available in four fluorescent colors. Random color shipped at time of fulfillment.