A traditional-style hex sign for my roof peak.

Throughout this spring and summer, I’ve managed to create a few projects for my own home and garden. I’ve wanted to add another Hex Sign to the house for a couple of years, and we now have a 3′ x 3′ panel under one of our roof peaks.

All of the glass in the panel was cut by hand with scoring tools. The design comes from traditional Pennsylvania Dutch barn quilts, which contain symbols with meanings to draw good energy or expel bad. The center circle represents abundance/good harvest. The next circle has symbols for love. I added runes, which were an ancient alphabet, with each letter containing meanings as well as representing a sound. The runes included in this panel are for harvest, joy, success and good health, and protection.

Here is the panel in better detail:

Here is a better view of the mosaic.
The dark blue glass is opalescent, so when the light shifts, it reflects other colors. Also, the runes glow in the dark!

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