In Febrary 2020, I worked with kids at Auburn's Teen Center to complete mosaic designs for 3 concrete benches.

On February 22 at 7:00pm Eastern / 4:00pm Pacific time, I’ll be giving an online presentation about my experience facilitating community mosaic projects through CMA2. Ceramic and Mosaic Art 2 is an online forum specifically for ceramic and mosaic artists. You do have to be a member to join this event, and if you are pursuing mosaic at any level, you should consider joining. This group is rich with opportunities, including forums, workshops, presentations, galleries, Q&A and more. There is no membership fee; it is supported by sponsorships and donations. Here is a link to join the group:

I have found platforms like facebook to be extremely problematic, and I have pretty much given up on using it to share my artwork. The forums for mosaic artists are overwhelming, and filled with a wide range of information that may or may not be sound. CMA is growing into a more manageable platform for sharing information, and it is a great place to find a sense of community.

I hope you’ll check out CMA2 and consider joining, and that you’ll be there for my presentation on the 22nd where I’ll share a slideshow and describe how I got started with community mosaic, and the challenges, solutions, tricks, tips and various approaches to making mosaic with groups. The zoom link is on the main page of the CMA2 website.

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