On October 17, 2020, we celebrated the completed mural in Westport, WA!

To recap: This project launched in December 2019 during the Santa by the Sea event, with visitors to Stitches invited to make a 3″ x 3″ square from recycled glass tiles in any design they chose. Participants were all ages. Some made one quick square while others made several, and at least one person spent all day on a carefully crafted design.

In February, we had raised about 1/3 of the necessary funding through sponsorships (businesses “adopted” the center panel and outside squares) and had plans for continued hands-on events and a fundraiser with food and live music. And then, Covid19 happened. So, the project sort of went on hold, though I continued to work on the center panel myself. By late spring and summer, 6 of the unfinished sections were being completed at home by volunteers who later shipped or delivered them to me. Fundraising picked back up in late summer, and Elizabeth and Mike Coverdale, owners of the building, decided to just get the job done. They pitched in to get us to the goal, then arranged for the installation and plaque to be completed by Phoenix Sign Company.

And then on October 17, the community gathered under the mural for a celebration. Aloha Alabama BBQ provided refreshments. Elizabeth Coverdale started us off with a heartfelt speech describing how participating in this project helped her move through a difficult year, including the loss of her father in July. She spoke about the catharsis of piecing together broken and cut pieces to create something whole and beautiful, and how it represents the way we are all coping with unexpected loss and disruption this year, and how we will also build back and create something new from the pieces. Michele Beaugrand expressed all of our immense gratitude to the community for trusting us and making it possible. I spoke, but I tend to leave my body when public speaking so I’m not sure what I said. I hope it was coherent. I hope I talked about the value of public art to small towns, especially to uplift spirits and economies.
Then we had a drawing and gave out prizes. It was a great weekend, and I strongly recommend Westport as a weekend getaway. The marina is very picturesque and offers charter tours for whale watching and fishing. Tons of people were there for clam digging with families gathered on the beach, cooking their catches on open fires. Westport is unique for these long rock jetties you can explore, and there are vast stretches of beach to walk. This is a small town with zero strip malls or fast food; only locally-owned businesses. We enjoyed food from the Blue Buoy, the Lighthouse Bistro (with a view of the local lighthouse), and the Westport Winery. On one of my trips, I ate at Blackbeard’s Brewery in their outdoor courtyard. I hope you’ll have a chance to check it out.
Many thanks to all of you who supported this project!