The community mural project in Westport, WA is slowly developing. Through feedback from local businesses and sponsors, the design keeps changing a little bit at a time and a couple are still up in the air. At this point, all of the available squares are sponsored, but we still need support! There will be a plaque below the mural at eye level, and I plan to acknowledge all donors who contribute $50 or more to help make this mural a reality. I was hoping to raise about $7000, but we did receive a big stained glass donation that helps reduce that amount by about $400-500!

You can support this project by donating here:
I have the pieces cut out for the compass, ready to set into place after I pick up a donation of thinset and grout from United Tile, contributed by the amazing and supportive Laticrete, International, makers of the best tile installation materials available!

I’ve also been uploading designs on TeePublic that folks can purchase to support this work. The one I made for this particular project is called Find Your Way to Westport, and can be found here: At the time of this posting, they are advertising a 35% off sale! You can choose from t-shirts in different styles, coffee mugs and to-go cups, stickers, pillows, totes, you name it. Here is and example of a shirt that was ordered by a supporter:

Meanwhile, I’m also working on other community projects. I’ll be working with middle school students in Auburn next month to create three mosaic benches for the city. And I’m planning to visit Nepal and India this summer, where I’ll be engaging with youth. In Kathmandu, I will spend a little bit of time working with children in a refuge, Chora Chori. You can learn more about this incredible place here:
In New Delhi, I will work with students at the embassy school for a longer stretch. The project is still up in the air, but the plan is solid. I mean, I haven’t figured out how to pay for it, but I am trusting that it will all come together. The Go Fund Me is to support all of this work, but if you are interested in donating toward the Westport mural or a specific pursuit, make a note of it with your donation and I will allocate funds accordingly.
To follow the whole process for the Westport mural, follow #WestportQuiltMural on social media!