I’m very excited to finally have some in-person classes on my schedule! I was lined up to teach at the Glass Craft and Bead Expo in Las Vegas for the first time in 2020, but everything went sideways. Finally, the expo is back on track and I’ll be offering four one-day workshops that, when taken consecutively, create one big, stained glass mosaic intensive. I’ll start with intro to scoring the first day, advanced scoring the second day, pattern and flow the 3rd day, and Glass on Glass the final day. Students can sign up for any combination, depending on interest. I am really excited about this approach because I think I’ll be able to give great instruction by breaking it up this way, and students with different levels of experience can customize their workshop, and either delve fully into stained glass mosaic or combine one or two of my classes with those offered by other instructors.
FYI: John Sollinger (Solly) and Carrie Strope will also be teaching some mosaic workshops, but there will be instructors offering fusing, enamel, cold working, and all sorts of other glass art courses.
Here’s the link to my workshops at the Expo: https://www.glasscraftexpo.com/class-list.php