This will be a virtual, interactive webinar event covering the business side of mosaic (much of which will apply to any commission-based art or architecturally installed art.) During the first half hour or so, I’ll describe my own journey, from being an arts & crafts hobbyist who sold things sporadically through building a full-time business as an artist working primarily in mosaic. My personal story will include trials and tribulations, challenges and solutions, and the reasons for various shifts that brought me to this point in my career.
The second part will get into more nuts & bolts of good business practices, and then Q&A from participants. I’ll address pricing, insurance, estimates and invoicing, networking, professionalism, finding clients/projects, etc. If you are a hobbyist considering whether to launch a serious business or are actively working on commissions but feeling lost about how to become profitable, this may be a good opportunity for you.
Each artist’s journey is unique, and I do not consider myself an expert at business. In fact, it was never my skill set. Hopefully, it will be helpful to hear how I’ve managed to get this far despite having a scattered artist brain, poor organizational skills, and social anxiety because I am still wrapping my own head around it. For this reason, I am presenting a webinar instead of a workshop, and I’m charging a small fee just to encourage commitment from participants and because I value my time. Also, I see this as a practice and test to see how well it is received, and I’ll welcome feedback on what was useful and what was missing, after the event.
*I want the Q&A to be participatory so that I can answer questions, and we can also brainstorm together if questions come up that I don’t have the answers to. I also want to record the session so that it can be viewed at a later time for those who can’t attend. This is just a heads-up that it will be recorded, and you can keep your video off if you are not comfortable appearing on screen. Also: I plan to use Google Meet because I’m no longer subscribed to Zoom. I will share the link with you after you sign up. To clarify: the event is October 14, 1-3pm Pacific Time. *People outside of the U.S. are welcome to join, but I am concerned that lot of the information will be specific to the U.S. and I wouldn’t be able to address questions about licensing, insurance, finding and applying for projects, etc. in other countries.
I look forward to seeing people on my screen – it has been a long time!