It has been so devastating to witness the tragic events of this past month as Ukraine has become the target of such horrific attacks. I’m sure you all feel as helpless as I do. During a short break between commissions, I felt compelled to make a small mosaic to express my sadness and support for the people of Ukraine. The substrate is hydroblock, which has a foam core so it’s not heavy. It has d-rings and wire in the back for easy hanging. It’s only 8.5″ at the widest point so it can fit into a flat rate shipping box with room for cushion. I happened to have two yellow sunflowers leftover from a community project, which I used for the eyes, and the rest is hand-cut stained glass. The tears are iridescent, pale blue glass.

My plan is to auction this mosaic soon. It has been completely spontaneous, so I’m still figuring it out. But stay tuned and keep an eye on my social media. I am going to use Instagram, with bids in the comments because that seems the most straightforward, transparent approach. But I do want to give you all a few days head’s up, so I will launch it at noon (PST) this Saturday, March 26, ending on Sunday at noon (PST.) I’ll update this post as soon as I have it all lined up. My instagram handle is @jenn.kuhns. I’m also considering which organization to contribute to. At the beginning of the war, I donated to the Red Cross because they are helping with food, medicine, and other basic needs. But there are so many good people helping, I’m taking a closer look at the various organizations and I welcome input.
NOTE: Please bid only if your mailing address is in the U.S.A. Shipping cost will come out of the final bid, so I want to make sure I have enough left over to make a donation.
So, check back, and I’ll send out a newsletter asap with specifics.